Seminar Makanan Halal (HaFoS 2009)


Halal Food Seminar (HaFoS) is a seminar that leads towards Halal understanding as well as to provide a platform of knowledge development in Halal Food Production & Development. Current issues of the Muslim Ummah towards Halalan Toiyyiban (Halal and wholesomeness) will also be covered.

Scope of Interest :

Halal food from the Islamic perspective.
• Research in Science & Technology updates
on Halal issues
Halal Quality Standards & Certification
Halal issues & society
Halal Industry: Opportunities & Challenges.

Date & Venue :

Date: 14-16 July 2009
Event: Exhibition
Venue: PKP, USIM

Date: 15-16 July 2009
Event: Conference
Venue: Main Lecture Hall 3, DKP 3, USIM.

For further information of queries please contact:

Nor Amalini Ahmad (Director)
Tel: 012-3842457


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